Monday, June 7, 2010

I Start by Spilling

Everyday, something good happens. The past few days my youth and the outrageously poignant events that have happened have inspired me to write. The writing is titled "La Joie de Vivre" because life is worth living and its worth focusing on the good things that happen. So a stream of conscience that jumps out of my thoughts like a bouncy ball goes a little like this... PARTY!, fam-fantastic-ily arrives, soccer, early UP at the crack of dawn, graduation, SUPER and loud PLEDGE OF AL..smacked in the face with an anxious graduate's flying saucer of a cap...oh God Zeio's... party that set my heart free...bye to my Tim, my first day at a real job... ooo TARGET to buy for college after 2 days of being done with high school.

And now, I hunt for the best French posters online...